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Viewing Info for League: trippleplaychamp2011 (ID# 172889)

Commissioner's Note

Commissioner's Note

  • Aug 30 4:57 PM
    Draft is finished 8 days til start of the season. Good luck to one and all. If I didn't collect money from you yet. I will e around the office collecting it from Sept 1-5.

    Prize Pool
    Champion $600
    Runner Up $150
    Third Place $75
    Regular season champ $75
  • Aug 18 4:52 PM
    10 days and counting. Draft is around the corner. Sunday August 28 2011. Time 7:00pm. Please be online by 6:45 pm. So draft can run smoothly. There will be 17 rounds.

    To make the draft fair every team must follow the following league rules each time must draft.

    E.Player requirements
    Each team must draft the following positions in any order
    A total of 8 wr/rb
    3-5 running backs
    3-5 wr
    2 te
    2 kickers
    2 defensive units

    ach week before 15 minutes before the first schedule game of the week. Each coach must edit their team to reflect on their starting lineup.
    7 bench

    Good luck to all.
  • Aug 16 5:20 PM
    12 days and counting.

    10 teams in 2 teams to go. Waiting on Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Jackson to sign up giving them to Friday to sign up otherwise I am looking for new owners to take thier spot. If they are not signed up I have one replacement already in mind that Buckakeers asked if we can add. I will need one more owner. If you know anyone who is looking for a league in the office. Please let me know. So I can ask for their email so we can make it a solid 12 teams if Mr. Zimmerman or Mr. Jackson do not sign up.

    The Commish
  • Aug 14 4:22 PM
    Trippple Pay 2011 Handbook

    I. League Summary

    A. Purpose of this rulebook
    The purpose of this rulebook is to establish the guidelines to which the TripplePlay2011 Fantasy Football League (TPFL) will be run.
    By no means does this book cover all possible scenarios that may occur during the season. If a scenario does arise during the
    season that is not covered by this rulebook, the matter will be brought up to the entire league with the Commissioner making the
    final decision. The TPFL Commissioner has the final say in any and all decisions made in the league.

    B. Head Offices
    TripplePlay2011 Fantasy Football League will be run by a single Commissioner. The Commissioner will have the final say in any and
    all decisions for the league.

    C. Rule Changes
    Rule changes will be considered by the Commissioner before the season starts. No rule changes will be made after the start of the season unless deemed necessary by the Commissioner.

    D. Teams
    TripplePlay2011 must consist of an even number of teams but shall not exceed 12 teams.

    E. Vacancies
    If there is a vacancy in the league, new teams are brought in on a first come first serve basis. New teams are on a probationary
    period the first season they are part of the league. During that probationary period, if a team does not follow the rules outlined in
    this rulebook, their status in the league for the following year will be decided by the Commissioner.

    F. Divisions
    The league will consist of 1 division, based on the number of teams in the league.

    G. Communicatin
    This years Draft is going to be brought to us by Yahoo Sports. I will also be adding this list to the ESPN website so those who have Verizon can have their fantasy football scores tracked right on their television sets. I recommend everyone if they have Iphone or droid to register for 2 applications. #1 is the yahoo fantasy football app. This app keeps your head to head matchups right on your cell phone. All of you have Facebook please join the Trippple Play App I sent you guys so you can talk about trades on the open forum.

    II League Fees
    Each team shall be responsible for paying $Sept 1 latest extention Sept 6
    Entry Fee: $75 + $10 deposit for free agent/trades/waiver pickups
    Free Agent Acquistions $1
    Trades $1 per team

    B. Trade/Free Agent Deposit
    The $10 trade/free agent deposit does not have to be September 6, however, a team will not be able to make any trades or
    pick up any free agents until they pay the $10 deposit. This deposit is in place to help alleviate the problems with collecting money
    at the end of the season. If a team uses more than their $10 deposit, that team is still responsible for paying the difference
    between the deposit and their total trade/free agent fees. Any team that does not use the full $10 deposit will have the difference
    put towards their entry fee for the following season. If a team does not use their full $10 and does not return the following season,
    the money will be refunded.

    C. Unpaid fees.
    Any outstanding fees or trade/free agent money must be paid by the first week of the playoffs. If a team does not make payment their team will be subject to be removed from playoff contention. League deposit is not up for refund.

    Draft Night

    This year's draft day will take place on August 28 2011. It has been deemed that we will most likely have a yahoo online live draft. However it is subject to change that we may have a live draft party. TBD. The time of the draft shall commence at 7pm sharp. Please be online by 6:30pm if this is the final outcome. Having problems logging in you can call the commish at 973-997-8683.

    B Draft Order
    If it is a yahoo draft yahoo will do the draft ordering. If it is a live draft we will draw names out of a hat.

    C Format
    The draft will consist of 16 rounds that will progress in a serpentine order (1-12, 12-1)

    D Time Limit
    Each round will have a 2:00 minute time limit per pick.

    E.Player requirements
    Each team must draft the following positions in any order
    A total of 8 wr/rb
    3-5 running backs
    3-5 wr
    2 te
    2 kickers
    2 defensive units

    WHen drafting quarterbacks tight ends kickers and defense all of the players in any one category must not have the same bye week. Trades and free agents for this purpose will not be charged a surcharge within the first 72 from the draft. September 1 will be the deadlines on such moves. September 2 hits all teams must pay fees.

    F. Draft night trades/Pickups
    All draft night trades and free agent pick ups are free of charge til September 1. September 2 all league charges will start all normal acquistion charges will apply.


    Each week before 15 minutes before the first schedule game of the week. Each coach must edit their team to reflect on their starting lineup.

    B. Submissions
    It is the sole responsibility of each coach to make sure they submit a valid lineup prior to kickoff of their players games each week.
    A valid lineup i