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Week 17

Drifting Brother
5-9-0 0.00
The Furious Anger
0.00 5-9-0

Drifting Brother and The Furious Anger End Season with a Scoreless Tie

In a stunning display of offensive ineptitude, Drifting Brother and The Furious Anger managed to tie the game with a score of 0.00 each. It's a rare feat to see two teams fail to put up a single point, but these teams managed to achieve it. Both teams should be proud of their ability to consistently disappoint.

Drifting Brother's best player, Jordan Love, showed up when it mattered most, surpassing his projected points and scoring an impressive 34.44 points. Meanwhile, Courtland Sutton decided that meeting expectations was just too mainstream and fell short of his projected points, scoring a solid 0.00 points. Bravo.

With a final record of 5-9-0, Drifting Brother finishes the season in 7th place, narrowly avoiding the bottom of the standings. The Furious Anger, with the same record, falls just one spot below in 8th place. It's a battle of mediocrity between these two teams, proving that being average can still be entertaining.

Unfortunately, the season has come to an end for both Drifting Brother and The Furious Anger. With no more matchups to look forward to, they can only reflect on their lackluster performance. Drifting Brother should consider drafting some players who actually know how to score points next season, while The Furious Anger might want to work on their projections. Good luck next year!

Matchup Timeline

  Drifting Brother   The Furious Anger

Inside the Matchup