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Week 16

White Rhino
2-12-0 0.00
The Furious Anger
0.00 5-9-0

White Rhino and The Furious Anger Tie in a Battle of Mediocrity

In a thrilling matchup that ended in a tie, White Rhino and The Furious Anger both put up a grand total of 0.00 points. It's a rare sight to see two teams perform so evenly, proving that mediocrity knows no bounds. The game ended at the exact same time that it started, leaving both teams with a lackluster grade of C+. Maybe next time they can aim for a solid B-.

For White Rhino, their best player of the week was Gabe Davis, who surpassed their projected points and scored a whopping 19.00 points. On the other hand, their worst player was Zach Charbonnet, who fell short of expectations and ended up with a disappointing -0.40 points. It's safe to say that White Rhino's performance was a rollercoaster of emotions.

White Rhino, with a record of 2-12-0, is currently sitting at the bottom of the standings in 10th place. It's been a rough season for them, but hey, at least they managed to tie this week. As for The Furious Anger, they have a slightly better record of 5-9-0 and are in 7th place. They're not exactly dominating the league, but they're also not completely hopeless.

Looking ahead to next week, White Rhino will be facing off against Jetro 4 Life in the 9th place game. It's a battle for the bottom, and White Rhino will need to step up their game if they want to avoid finishing dead last. As for The Furious Anger, they'll be going up against Drifting Brother in the 7th place game. It's not the most exciting matchup, but hey, at least they have a chance to move up in the standings. Good luck to both teams!

Matchup Timeline

  White Rhino   The Furious Anger

Inside the Matchup