Matchup Recap Summary

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Week 6

Mack North
2-4 218.06
192.2 3-3

Mack North defeat Apollo, 218.06-192.20

Mack North brought their A game and exceeded their projected point total, securing a 218.06-192.20 win over Apollo, who fell short of projections. Mack North nabbed an early 10.60-point lead on Thursday. Apollo came back to take the lead early afternoon Sunday, powered by James Robinson (19.1 points) and Travis Kelce (17.9). Unphased, Mack North made a run later that afternoon, as Noah Fant (26.7 points) and Kyler Murray (25.76) put them back in the lead for good. Mack North (2-4) will look to add to their success against Axel, while Apollo (3-3) try to get some positive momentum against MangoKid.

Matchup Timeline

  Mack North   Apollo

Inside the Matchup

Matchup Player of the Week

Projected to score 13.55 points, Waddle more-than-doubled that amount by scoring 29 points as the Dolphins lost to the Jaguars 23-20. He caught 10 passes for 70 yards and 2 touchdowns to beat his projection by the highest percentage of any player on Mack North this week. Waddle will play the Falcons next week.