Matchup Recap Summary

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Week 10

Hou Texans (GA)
6-4 17
Dallas Cowboys
0 4-6

Hou Texans (GA) defeat Dallas Cowboys for third straight win, 17-0

Hou Texans (GA) extended their win streak to three games with a hard-fought victory over Dallas Cowboys, securing a 17-0 win. Hou Texans (GA) grabbed a 7-point lead early Sunday afternoon behind outstanding efforts from Deshaun Watson (163 Pass Yds, 1 Pass TD, 36 Rush Yds) and the Houston Texans defense (3) and never looked back. Hou Texans (GA) (6-4) will look to keep it rolling against Seattle Seahawks, while Dallas Cowboys (4-6) will attempt to generate some positive momentum against Los Angeles Rams.

Matchup Timeline

  Hou Texans (GA)   Dallas Cowboys

Inside the Matchup

Matchup Player of the Week

Projected to score 6.65 points, Gould just beat that amount by scoring 7 points as the 49ers lost to the Saints 27-13. He made both of his FG attempts to beat his projection by the highest percentage of any player on Hou Texans (GA) this week. Next week, Gould will face the Rams.
Robbie Gould

Top Player Comparison

Hou Texans (GA)
% of total points 17
Robbie Gould
Deshaun Watson
The Houston Texans defense
Justin Jefferson
Dallas Cowboys
% of total points 0

Matchup Highlights

Justin Jefferson had a 54-yard catch for Hou Texans (GA) on Monday night, helping to add to the margin of victory for the team.

Points By Position

  Hou Texans (GA)   Dallas Cowboys


They weren't even trying all that hard. Hou Texans (GA) scored fewer points in this one (17) than their season average of 34.1.
A tale of two teams...headed in opposite directions. Hou Texans (GA) have won three straight matchups, while Dallas Cowboys have dropped their last five.
We heard scoring helps you win. Dallas Cowboys need some help then, averaging just 22 versus Hou Texans (GA)'s 34.1.
"Winning isn't everything" was probably said by someone who lost. Hou Texans (GA) (6-4) have a better record than Dallas Cowboys (4-6).
Even the machines think Hou Texans (GA) have a better lineup. Their projected average points is higher (31.69) than Dallas Cowboys (25.93).
You won't win many weeks if you don't play. Hou Texans (GA) has left fewer points on the bench this season (151) than Dallas Cowboys (214).
Hou Texans (GA) don't let their opponents come within striking distance. They've got more blowout wins this season than Dallas Cowboys (2 vs 1).
Hou Texans (GA) see projections as no real threat. They've got more upset wins this season (2) than Dallas Cowboys (0).
Hou Texans (GA) should change their team name to "The Overachievers" since they have beat their projection in more weeks than Dallas Cowboys (6 vs 4).
Hou Texans (GA) have started more fantasy players who beat their projection than Dallas Cowboys (35 vs 18).
By position, Hou Texans (GA) have outscored Dallas Cowboys at QB, RB, WR, TE, and DEF this season.
Hou Texans (GA) don’t just win, they win BIG, with an average margin of victory of 5 points, third-highest in the league.
The starters for Hou Texans (GA) had more big plays in their NFL games this week (1) than the starters for Dallas Cowboys (0).
Hey Dallas Cowboys, want to see stats that favor your team? Well, try winning for a change, and see what the numbers have to say next week!

Next Week Preview

Hou Texans (GA)
Week 11 features two squads heading in opposite directions, as Hou Texans (GA) (6-4) enter Week 11 on a three-game winning streak, while their opponent (Seattle Seahawks, 3-7), have now lost seven straight. Hou Texans (GA) can't count on another 7 points from Robbie Gould, who will be out on bye in Week 11. Seattle Seahawks will be without George Kittle and Jimmy Garoppolo. Over the last three weeks, Hou Texans (GA) have put up 32.33 points per game, while Seattle Seahawks have averaged 27 per contest.
Dallas Cowboys
Something's bound to give in Week 11 as Dallas Cowboys and Los Angeles Rams are set to do battle, as both teams are now riding five-game losing skids. Dallas Cowboys might have to shuffle their lineup some with Stefon Diggs out on bye in Week 11. Los Angeles Rams won't have John Brown, Zack Moss, or Raheem Mostert.