team logoSilver level

Yahoo Fantasy Plus: Try 7 days free*
Congratulations Fantasy Champion!


1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Finished
logo Rice Rice Babylogo DBs Kill Youlogo Suh girls one cup--
Week 14: Dec 4 - Dec 10
Week 15: Dec 11 - Dec 17
8logo DBs Kill You 110.70
Week 16: Dec 18 - Dec 24
8logo DBs Kill You 132.83
3rd Place Game


Week 16
Week 16 Matchups
Final results

Championship Bracket

Consolation Bracket

Recent Transactions

View All
Colin Kaepernick SF - QB
$34 Waiver
Carson Palmer Ari - QB
To Waivers
Shiva Blasters Dec 21, 1:53 am logo
Ryan Tannehill Ten - QB
Free Agent
Ryan Fitzpatrick Was - QB
To Waivers
DBs Kill You Dec 19, 10:32 am logo
Blair Walsh Sea - K
Flyin' Eagles Dec 19, 6:00 am logo
Riley Cooper Phi - WR
Flyin' Eagles Dec 19, 6:00 am logo
Kai Forbath LAR - K
Phil Dawson Ari - K
To Waivers
Rice Rice Baby Dec 19, 6:00 am logo

Commish Notes

  • Hi Everyone!

    Happy Holidays to all and I hope everyone had a good Christmas and was able to spend some quality time with family. Even if it wasn't quality and you can't stand your sisters' kids (like me), hopefully you had some holiday drinks!

    First off, congrats to those who placed in the money and to Nick for winning it all. Will all three of you either reply on here or shoot me a text and let me know what addresses you want the money sent to. Sean, am I sending the check to you or Pat, or splitting it? Same with Gregg and Brandon. Thanks guys.

    So I hope all of you will be back next year. Draft order is set in reverse order from the regular season standings. So's all on you for the first pick! We'll do a two keeper system again. Rule is that you lose the draft pick of where that player was drafted this (last) year. If a player is kept in two consecutive years, either by you, or by another player via a trade, that player costs you a 1st round pick. If you're keeping a player picked up from free agency, it costs an 8th round pick. I'll remind you guys as well as shoot out the list of players and the corresponding picks early next year.

    Be thinking of any updates or changes you may want to make. We can vote on these at the draft, which we hope to do live again. Some early ideas that have been addressed to me include...
    1. Eliminating the "bonus" points for exceeding 100 yards rushing and receiving and 300 yards passing.
    2. Adding another flex spot (didn't say these were good ideas)
    3. Random other scoring adjustments

    Thanks again for playing everyone! It's nice to have a good and committed group!

    Commish Joey
    Dec 27 6:34 PM
  • Congrats to those who made the playoffs...and my condolences to those who didn't.

    Kurt won last week's weekly prize for top TE with Jason Witten and Chris K. won the extra bonus for being the first overall seed.

    The payouts for the playoffs are as follows...
    1st place $560
    2nd place $270
    3rd place $160

    And for those of you questioning your commissioner's integrity, please see the following from Yahoo on private leagues playoff tiebreak system...

    Wild Card Tiebreakers
    If two or more teams tie for a wild-card (non-division leading) position, the following tiebreakers will be used to determine the standings
    Total fantasy points (season total).
    Fantasy points scored in last week's matchup.
    Fantasy points scored in the matchup two weeks prior.
    The comparison continues until the tie is broken or no more weeks remain to compare. At that time, a coin flip will settle the tie.

    It is not possible for a commissioner to configure a league to require a balanced number of teams from each division in the playoffs.
    Head-to-Head results are not considered when breaking a tie at the end of the regular season.
    Yahoo! uses these tiebreakers to determine the order of the standings during the regular season, as well as for determining the final playoff seeds.
    It is not possible for commissioners to change the season tiebreaking criteria for their league.

    Thank you!

    Now...for those who are out of the playoffs...thanks for playing. The only good detail is that next year's draft order is determined by the regular season seedings. So you have that.

    Good luck to everyone that's in it!
    Dec 4 6:56 PM
  • Hey Everyone,

    Nick took last week's $55 prize with Dez Bryant's 2 TD performance. Remember that this week's prize goes to the top starting TE.

    This is the last week with only one guy mathematically ruled out of the playoffs (Sorry Ty). Best luck to all for getting into the top 8.

    Commish Joey
    Nov 28 9:03 PM
  • Greetings Everyone,

    We have another weekly prize for weeks 12 and 13.

    This week's prize of $55 goes to the top scoring individual starting WR on your team. Remember, the player has to be started in one of your two WR starting spots and not in the flex.

    Next week's prize goes to the to top scoring TE.

    As usual, let me know of any concerns, questions, etc...

    Commish Joey
    Nov 20 12:20 PM
  • Okay, so I have enough votes to reach a majority on the waiver rule change!

    So...moving forward, players will only lock at the start of their actual game time for the week. You'll be able to pick up players until this time. The waiver will still take place on Tuesday nights under the existing bidding process. Any questions, let me know.

    Commish Joey
    Oct 3 11:44 AM
  • ****League Vote Needed**** (Pdlease vote via e-mail, so I have it organized in my inbox. A duplicate email was sent.)

    Hello Everyone,

    So I've had the same frustration voiced by several owners this week regarding the current waiver rules. I even ran into the frustration with my TE injuries. First off, here's a little history. Currently the FAAB waiver process is set up to lock once the first game of the week kicks off. This means that once that Thursday game starts, all free agents go into waiver status and cannot be picked up until Tuesday night. We had this rule last year, but I don't think the NFL had any Thursday games until later in the year.

    I'm proposing a change with this email. Although this will negatively affect owners this week, it doesn't seem right in the sense of competition to make an update mid week. So if not vetoed down, this change will take place by next Thursday for Week's 5 games.

    Here's the proposal...we change the Waiver lock time from simply the start of ANY NFL game for the week to the start of each individual player's game start time. So you could then pick up a player from free agency up until his actual start time for that week. A Thursday player would still lock on Thursday's game time, but a Monday night player would be available until Monday's game time.

    Here's what I want from you...Since this rule is currently in place, I don't want anyone to be upset with a mid-year rule change. If there are any owners AGAINST this change, please reply with your concerns. It'll take a majority vote to change the rule so please reply with your vote of yes or no for the change. I'm supporting the change, just FYI. A non-vote will be for status quo (no change). Cutoff time is Thursday, Oct 3 at 12pm (noon). By the way, a team with co-managers still only gets one vote.

    Unlike the less important presidency and actual political vote coming up, please actually vote for this one!

    Commish Joey
    (503) 791-6125
    Sep 30 8:40 AM
  • Sorry for the delay on this week's email. I had to show Krell where to buy me some new panties instead of stealing them from the neighbor's washing machine.

    Anyway, Krell won the week 3 prize money with Andre Brown's fill-in performance for the Giants. He is he states...playing with all of our money since he's officially broken even for the year.

    No more weekly prize money for a while with the NFL bye weeks starting. Next week for prize money is week 12 when it will be the highest scoring starting WR.

    Good luck all.
    Sep 28 2:18 PM
  • Greetings Everyone,

    Week 2's prize cash went to papa Rick with Eli Manning's half a K performance. I'm thinking next year the prize is void if 3 picks are involved.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the league. Your's truly is crapping it up, but with some wheeling and dealing, I'm positive still. This week's prize of $55 goes to the top scoring individual starting RB on your team. Remember, the player has to be started in one of your two RB starting spots and not in the flex. This is the last weekly prize for a while with the NFL bye weeks starting up in week 4. The next prize will be in week 12.

    As usual, let me know of any concerns, questions, etc...

    Commish Joey
    Sep 18 7:20 PM
  • Hello everyone,

    One of our newcomers...Chris Krell and his Dez had to Decker team took the first week's prize with the most starting team points. This week we have $55 going to the team with highest starting QB position.

    Hope you're all enjoying the league. Also hope you're all getting the hang of the FAAB process. As usual, contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns.

    Commish Joey
    (503) 791-6125
    Sep 12 8:04 PM
  • Hello everyone!

    Thanks for everyone helping to make the live draft work this year! Since I haven't heard from anyone, I'm assuming I got all the players entered correctly. And thanks to everyone for paying ahead of time. The only team I still need is Pat and he gets a break on account of his patriotism and such.

    Week 1 starts Wednesday this week, just a reminder to get your lineups set. We have a $55 weekly prize this week going to the highest total starting team score.

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding the free agency FAAB budget process or on anything else. Again, thanks to everyone for playing!

    (503) 791-6125
    Sep 1 11:06 AM
  • Greetings everyone!
    Fantasy season is almost upon us and I thought I'd throw out a welcome email. Not much has changed from last year in terms of the set up. See below for more detail. We have lost two managers from last year, but it's all for the best. I really want long term owners in here to make it a good keeper league. We've found two replacements and to you guys...welcome! Please consider the following a sort of by-laws.

    Chapter 1 - Buy in and pay outs...
    The buy in again is $110. My contacts and address for payment are:
    Joey Greenberg
    881 NE Caden Ave
    Hillsboro OR 97124
    Ph: 503-791-6125

    Please send this in as soon as you can, or even send in half to begin with if money is judging. Just don't make me start stressing about having to lock teams out. I've adjusted the deadline for full payment to Wed, Sept 19, right before the 3rd week of games. That is money or check in hand by this time or I will be forced to lock teams out who haven't paid. You'll find a link called "dues" from the front page to see who's paid and what amounts. When you send your check or if you pay by cash in person, please provide me your email and residential address so I know where to send the future winnings. For most of you, I already have this, but please confirm numbers/addresses haven't changed.

    There will again be weekly payouts for specific high scores in non-NFL bye weeks. This year however we only have 5 non bye weeks, not including playoff weeks, down from 7 last year. So I'm making some adjustments to the payouts. The weekly prizes will be worth $55 (1/2 of the buy in) and will be paid for the following below. To win for the individual positions, you must start the player of choice in one of their starting spots and not in the flex position (RB, WR, TE).

    - Week 1: Highest total starting team points
    - Week 2: Highest total starting QB
    - Week 3: Highest total starting RB
    - Week 12: Highest total starting WR
    - Week 13: Highest total starting TE

    There will also be a $55 bonus for the team that finishes first (1st overall seed in the playoffs) The payouts are then as follows: From the playoffs, 1st place receives $560, 2nd place $270 and 3rd place $160.

    Chapter 2 - Keepers
    We will be keeping keepers this year. You can keep up to two players from the final roster from last year. The new owners will be taking over the two teams vacated. For the players you do choose to keep, you will lose the draft pick this year correlating to where they were picked last year. For example, I drafted Ray Rice in the first round last year. If I keep him, I will lose this year's first round pick. If you are keeping a player acquired in a trade, you will still lose the draft pick from where that player was taken. If you keep a player that was acquired from free agency (or from a trade where a player was picked up in free agency), then you lose a default 8th round pick. The thought here is to reward a good prior year draft and sticking with a player as opposed to picking up a player already playing well. This also rewards owners taking risks on rookies. You still get a pretty good bonus by only giving up an 8th round pick.

    The on-going rule however is that if you keep the same player for 2 consecutive years, that player will cost you a first round pick in the 2nd year kept (3rd year of ownership and beyond). If we run into a situation where two draft picks are lost for the same round, on draft pick will be lost to the next round after. I've attached a spreadsheet showing everyone's last year final roster and the draft pick you would lose for each player kept. Again, you can keep up to two, but you don't have to keep anyone.

    Any questions on this, feel free to call, reply, or text. For those who may not have Excel, I've pasted the teams below. Please also check my work and let me know if I screwed up tracking your players. A few players were traded like 8 times. Also note that there were a few players drafted by a team, dropped, and picked back up in free agency. This would still cost you the draft pick spot. There is no deadline for naming your keepers. We will announce this at the draft, discussed below.

    Chapter 3 - Set Up
    We'll be keeping the same 3 divisions with 4 teams in each division. The new teams will take the places of the teams vacated by previous owners. I'll get the schedule straight once everyone signs up. You will play each team in your division twice. Division match ups take place in weeks 1-3 and 11-13. You'll play all but one of the other teams outside of your division once. This will be as random as I can make it. The playoffs will feature 8 teams and take place in weeks 14-16. The top seed will play the 8th seed and so on. The division champs will get the highest seeds with the rest being seeded based on standings and then point totals as the tie breaker.

    Chapter 4 - Settings
    Roster setup is the same as last year. Please che
    Jul 14 11:07 PM

Commish Updates

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Oct 3 11:45 am

    Weekly Waivers changed from 'First game of week - Tuesday' to 'Game Time - Tuesday'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Sep 7 4:06 pm

    Weekly Waivers changed from 'Sunday - Tuesday' to 'First game of week - Tuesday'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Sep 3 7:50 pm

    Dez had to Decker (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '110.00'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Aug 26 4:31 pm

    Flyin' Eagles (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '110.00'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Aug 26 4:31 pm

    Blue's Dog Pound (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '110.00'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Aug 25 9:55 pm

    SuperMario94 (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '110.00'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Aug 25 9:55 pm

    DBs Kill You (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '110.00'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Aug 25 5:26 pm

    TD points set to '6'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Aug 25 5:26 pm

    Scoring Categories (Offense) changed from 'Pass Yds,Pass TD,Int,Rush Yds,Rush TD,Rec,Rec Yds,Rec TD,2-PT,Fum Lost,Fum Ret TD' to 'Pass Yds,Pass TD,Int,Rush Yds,Rush TD,Rec,Rec Yds,Rec TD,Ret TD,2-PT,Fum Lost,Fum Ret TD'

  • logo
    Jockstrap Funk (A Yahoo User) Aug 23 9:48 pm

    DAY TO DAY (Money Paid) changed from '0.00' to '110.00'

Best Draft

Best Draft is awarded to the team with the most projected season points based on weekly optimal starting lineups.